


> Solutions > Central Iron and Steel Research Institute

Central Iron and Steel Research Institute

  • Company:Central Iron and Steel Research Institute
  • Industry:材料行業
  • Cooperation time:2019.10
  • Using products:Instrument
  • Address:beijng
Central Iron and Steel Research Institute

In the field of materials, the ultra-high-speed scanning imaging capability of the high-throughput (field emission) scanning electron microscope. Integrate with the fully automatic focus tracking system and AI image processing algorithm. Enable high-resolution fully automatic detection of samples in a large area (150mm*150mm).

Continuous matrix scanning and automatic stitching to obtain large-scale nano-resolution panoramic map imaging, allows the ability of cross-scale combined information ability and cross-scale material characterization from nanometer to millimeter.

Installation site: No. 76, Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Application usage: Material engineering (analysis of metal inclusions)

Quantities of assets: 1

Installation period: year 2019

Operation status: Synchronous normal operation

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